

ABA, Michael Moses; PARENTE, Virginia; SANTOS, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Estimation of water demand of the three major Brazilian shale-gas basins : Implications for water availability. London, 2022. Energy Policy, v.168,, Sep.2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jan.2023.

Albuquerque, Rafael Walter. Vieira, Daniel Luis Mascia. Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo. Soares, Lucas Pedrosa. Olsen, Søren Ingvor. Araujo, Luciana Spinelli. Vicente, Luiz Eduardo. Tymus, Julio Ricardo Caetano. Balieiro, Cintia Palheta. Matsumoto, Marcelo Hiromiti. Grohman, Carlos Henrique. Mapping key indicators of forest restoration in the Amazon using a low-cost drone and artificial intelligence. Basel, 2022. art. 830, p. 1-28. Remote Sensing, Basel, v. 14, art. 830, p. 1-28, February 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14.03.2022.

Albuquerque, Rafael Walter. Matsumoto, Marcelo Hiromiti. Calmon, Miguel. Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo. Vieira, Daniel Luis Mascia. Grohmann, Carlos Henrique. A protocol for canopy cover monitoring on forest restoration projects using low-cost drones. , 2022. p.921-929. Open Geosciences, v. 14, n. 1, p.921-929, 2022.. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 mar.2023.

Angelim, Kelly Cristinne Leite. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Analysis of environmental liabilities and water resources management for the development of the hydraulic fracturing activity in the Paraná Basin, Brazil. Dhaka, 2022. p. 33-58.. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 9 mar.2023.

Arend, Lauron. Silva, Yuri Freitas Marcondes da. Pereira, Carlos Augusto Arentz. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Peyerl, Drielli. Prospects and challenges of the liquefied natural gas market in Brazil.  S.L., 2022. p. e11811225527/1-21. Research, Society and Development, v. 11, n. 2, p.1181122552/1-21, 2022.

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Botão, Rodrigo Pereira. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Miranda, Mariana Fernandes. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Analysis of a power generation project in the face of increased demand for Liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the context of the new gas market.  Vargem Grande Paulista, 2022. p. e567111032100/1-10.  Research, Society and Development, v. 11, n. 10, p. e567111032100/1-10. , 2022.

Botão, Rodrigo Pereira. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. O gás não convencional no Brasil: a regulação e os riscos / Unconventional gas in Brazil: regulation and risks.  Curitiba, 2022. p.43635-43651.  Brazilian Journal of Development, v.8,n.6, p. 43635-43651, jun. 2022. Disponível em: ttps:// Acesso em: 10 mar.2023..

Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Galvão, Ciro. Fonseca, A. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. A review of gas-to-wire (GtW) projects worldwide : state-of-art and developments.  London, 2022. 112859/1-12.  Energy Policy, v.163, 112859/1-12, Apr.2022.

Cachola, Celso da Silveira. Afonso, Matheus Eugenio. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Peyerl, Drielli. Assessment of the Possibilities and Challenges of Shale Gas in the Global Energy Transition.  S.L, 2022. p. e3211326282/1-23. Research, Society and Development, v. 11, n. 3, p. e3211326282/1-23, 2022.

Cachola, Celso da Silveira. Andrade, Ana Clara Antunes Costa de. Lopes, Letícia Schneid. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Peyerl, Drielli. O papel das políticas públicas na redução das emissões veiculares de gases de efeito estufa no estado de São Paulo.  Curitiba, Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, v.59,p.418-437, jun. 2022.

Ciola, Giancarlo. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Jesus, Fernanda Delgado de. Martinez, Mauricio Longo. Development of Shale Gas in Brazil : a Business-Oriented Analysis.  S.L., 2022. p.29-35.  Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, v.12, n.2, p.29-35,2022.

DAMICO, Andréa; SANTOS,  Edmilson Moutinho dos; PARENTE, Virginia; COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Análise e evolução e variabilidade dos custos de capital de terceiros para projetos de transmissão de energia em função das oscilações da taxa básica de juros.  Brazilian Journal of Development, v.8, n.6, p.47883-47901,jun.,2022.

D’Aquino, Camila Agner; Santos, Samantha Christine; Sauer, Ildo Luís. Biogas as an alternative source of decentralized bioelectricity for large waste producers : an assessment framework at the University of São Paulo. Reino Unido, 2022. p.aticle 122326/1-9. Energy, v. 239, Part D, Article 122326, p.1-9, Jan.2022. Disponível em: . Acesso em 13 jul.2022.

Ferraz Junior, Antonio Djalma Nunes. Etchebehere, Claudia. Perecin, Danilo. Coelho, Suani Teixeira. Woods, Jeremy. Advancing anaerobic digestion of sugarcane vinasse : current development, struggles and future trends on production and end-uses of biogas in Brazil.  Amsterdan, 2022.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 157,, Apr. 2022.

Ferraz Junior, Antonio Djalma Nunes. Machado, Pedro Gerber. Jalil-Vega, Francisca. Coelho, Suani Teixeira. Woods, Jeremy. Liquefied biomethane from sugarcane vinasse and municipal solid waste : sustainable fuel for a green-gas heavy duty road freight transport corridor in Sao Paulo state.  Amsterdam.  Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 335,, Feb.2022.

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JACOBI, Pedro Roberto. Let’s celebrate together 25 years of Ambiente & Sociedade. Ambiente & Sociedade v. 25, e00001, 2022.

KNIESS, C. T.; SAMPAIO, C. A. C.; PHILIPPI JÚNIOR, A.; PLONSKI, G. A.; GOLDEMBERG, J.; PÁDUA, J. A.; FRANCO, R. M.; RICUPERO, R.; BRESSAN JÚNIOR, A.; SOBRAL, M. do C. M.; MAGLIO, I. C.; NOBRE, C.; ANDREOLI, C. V.; FERNANDES, V.; MATTEI, J. F.; RIBEIRO, W. C.; BUCKERIDGE, M. S.; DUTRA E SILVA, S. 50 anos de Estocolmo’72 e 30 Anos da Rio’92: Reflexões sobre o Brasil Contemporâneo e os Desafios para um Futuro Sustentável. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC). Revista de la Solcha, v. 12, n. 3, p. 406–437, 2022. DOI: 10.32991/2237-2717.2022v12i3.p406-437. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 may. 2023.

LAMPIS, , Andrea. Bermann, Célio. Public policy and governance narratives of distributed energy resources in Brazil.  São Paulo, 2022. p. e01132/1-22.  Ambiente & Sociedade, São Paulo, v.25, p. e01132/1-22. Texto disponível em: portugues, espanhol e inglês.

Lázaro, Lira Luz Benites. Soares, Raiana Schirmer. Bermann, Célio. Collaço, Flavia Mendes de Almeida. Abram, Simone. Giatti, Leandro Luiz. Energy transition in Brazil : is there a role for multilevel governance in a centralized energy regime?  Energy Research & Social Science, London, v.85, p. art.102404/1-14, Mar.2022.

Liaw, Cylon. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Costa, Hirdan K.M.. Fossa, Alberto José. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Standardization as Key to Precautionary Principle Handling : Risk Mitigation for Shale Gas Production in Brazil.  s.l., 2022. p. 10-20.  Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, v.12,n.2, p.10-20, 2022.

Lima, Clarissa Emanuela Leão. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Regulation for Hydraulic Fracturing in Unconventional Resources Exploration in Brazil. Vargem Grande Paulista, SP, 2022. p. e9411628208/1-19. Research, Society and Development, v. 11, n. 6, e9411628208, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 mar.2023.

Maluf Filho, Durval. Coelho, Suani Teixeira. Perecin, Danilo. Opportunities and Challenges of Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Brazil. Basel, 2022. Energies, v.15, n.8,, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em 12 jun.2023.

Manito, Alex Renan Arrifano. Almeida, Marcelo Pinho. Cassares, Mauricio Andrés Rodríguez. Almeida Neto, José César de Souza. Torres, Pedro Ferreira. Zilles, Roberto. Figueiredo, Gilberto. Desenvolvimento e implementação de sistema de controle de alto nível (scan) para gerenciamento de sistemas de armazenamento de energia em redes de transmissão e distribuição. , 2022. p.113-122. Revista Brasileira de Energia Solar, v.13, n.1, p. 113–122, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23.jun.2023.

Manito, Alex Renan Arrifano. Almeida, Marcelo Pinho. Figueiredo, Gilberto. Almeida Neto, José César de Souza. Rodriguez Cassares, Maurício Andrés. Torres, Pedro Ferreira. Pinho, João Tavares. Zilles, Roberto. The potential of energy storage systems associated with PV generation to postpone investments in capacity expansion. Bristol, IOP Publishing, 2022. p. art. 012010/1-12. , Peruvian Workshop on Solar Energy (JOPES 2021)( : 2021: : Lima, Peru).. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Bristol, UK: IOP, 2022, v. 2180, article 012017, p. 1-12, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em 23 jun.2023.

MEENA, Sansar Raj.; SOARES, Lucas Pedrosa;  GROHMANN,  Carlos Henrique.; Van Westen, Cees. Bhuyan, Kushanav. Singh, Ramesh P.. Floris, Mario. Catani, Filippo. Landslide detection in the Himalayas using machine learning algorithms and U-Net.  Landslides, London, v.19, p. 1209–1229, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em 22 jun. 2022.

Merdy, Patricia. Gamrani, Mohamed. Montes, Celia Regina. Rezende Filho, Ary Tavares. Barbiero, Laurent. Ishida, Débora Ayumi. Silva, André Renan Costa. Melfi, Adolpho José. Lucas, Yves. Processes and rates of formation defined by modelling in alkaline to acidic soil systems in Brazilian Pantanal wetland. Amsterdam, 2022. p. art.105876/1-12. Catena, v.210, 105876/1-12, Mar.2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jun.2023.

MOREIRA, Jose R.; PACCA, Sergio A.; GOLDEMBERG, Jose. The reduction of CO2e emissions in the transportation sector: plug-in electric vehicles and biofuels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, p. 100032, 2022.

MERDY, Patricia; GAMRANI, Mohamed; MONTES, Célia R ; REZENDE FILHO, Ary T. ; BARBIERO, Laurent ; ISHIDA, Débora A ; SILVA, André R.C;  MELFI, Adolpho J.;  YVES,  Lucas. Processes and rates of formation defined by modelling in alkaline to acidic soil systems in Brazilian Pantanal wetland,  CATENA, v. 210, 2022, art.105876.

Misquita, Ícaro da Silva. Zilles, Roberto. Soiling accumulation impact on PV modules installed at different tilted angles in São Paulo, Brazil. Bristol, 2022. p. art.012008/1-8. , Peruvian Workshop on Solar Energy (JOPES 2021)( : 2021: : Lima, Peru).. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Bristol, UK: IOP, 2022, v. 2180, article 012008-8, p. 1-8, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun.2023.

Nicora, Martino. Mestriner, Daniele. Brignone, Massimo. Bernardi, Marina. Procopio, Renato. Fiori, Elisabetta. Delfino, Federico. Piantini, Alexandre. Rachidi, Farhad. Assessment of the Lightning Performance of overhead distribution lines based on Lightning Location Systems data.  London, 2022.  International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, v. 142, Part A, Article 108230/p.1-9, Nov.2022.. rights and content.

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Passaglia, Pablo Gomes. Coelho, Suani Teixeira. Anater, Mônica Joelma do Nascimento. Aproveitamento energético de resíduos de poda no campus aeroporto da Universidade de Uberaba-Uniube.  Uberara, 2022. p. 160-169.  BIOFIX Scientific Journal, v. 7 n. 2 p. 160-169, 2022.

Passos, Gabriela. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Ciola, Giancarlo. Tome, Fernanda Munari Caputo. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Comparação dos modelos regulatórios da distribuição de gás canalizado no Brasil, Argentina, EUA e União Europeia.  Itajubá, 2022.  Revista Brasileira de Energia, v.28, n.1, p.31-45 , 1ºtrimestre, 2022.

Pelicer, Renata Mendes. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Toby, Henrique. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. San Martín Cañas, Stephanie. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Technical Normalization of Activities in Shale Gas Exploration : The Case of Water Resources. , 2022. p.17-23.  Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, v.12, No 10, p.17-23, 2022.

Pereira, Eduardo Guedes. Fossa, Alberto José. Ekhator, Eghosa O.. Omukoro, Dickson E.. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Tabelian, Seyed Amirhamed. Gallo, Alexandre de Barros. Fossa, Clara Dybwad. Liaw, Cylon. Toguedani, Bruna. Fossil fuel and the global energy transition : regulation and standardisation as panacea for a more sustainable world energy order Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 8, n. 5, p. 39838-39865, 2022.

Peyerl, Drielli. Cachola, Celso da Silveira. Alves, Victor Harano. Mondragon, Marcella. Macedo, Sabrina Fernandes. Guichet, Xavier. Santos, Edmilson M.. Applying small-scale liquefied natural gas supply chain by fluvial transport in the isolated systems : the case study of Amazonas, Brazil.  London, 2022. p.192-202.  Energy for sustainable development, v.68, p.192-202, Jun.2022.

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Ranasingh, Soumyaranjan. Pradhan, Tapan. Raju, Dhenuvakonda Koteswara. Singh, Arvind R.. Piantini, Alexandre. An Approach to Wire-Wound Hall-Effect Based Current Sensor for Offset Reduction.  Piscataway, 2022. p.2006-2015.  IEEE Sensors Journal, v. 22, n.3, p.2006-2015, Feb., 2022.

Ribeiro, Henrique Toby. Costa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Identification of Suppliers able to provide Hydraulic Fracturing Services in Unconventional Reservoirs and Risks associated with the Construction of these Wells. Dhaka, 2022. p.59-83. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, v. 10 n.3,p. 59-83, 2022.. Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 mar.2023.
Sacco, Rafael Luis. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Matai, Patrícia Helena Lara dos Santos. Unconventional sources of gaseous energy in the southern region of Brasil : a comparative swot analysis. Itajubá, 2022. p.86-112. On-line. Revista Brasileira de Energia, Campinas, v.28, n.2, p.86-112, 2022. Disponível em:<> Acesso em: 24 ago.2022.

SANTOS, Kaue Lopes dos; JACOBI, Pedro Roberto. Alignments between e-waste legislation and the sustainable development goals: the United Kingdom, Brazil, and Ghana case studies. Geo: Geography and Environment, v.9, art.e104, p.1-16, mar.2022. ISSN 2054-4049.

Santos, Michele de Nazaré Novaes. Piantini, Alexandre. Analysis of Lightning-Induced Voltages on a Matched Experimental Overhead Line.  Piscataway, 2022. p.158-165.  IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v. 64, n. 1, p. 158-165, Feb. 2022.

Sacco, Rafael Luis. Brito, Thiago Luis Felipe. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Matai, Patrícia Helena Lara dos Santos. Unconventional sources of gaseous energy in the southern region of Brasil : a comparative swot analysis. Itajubá, 2022. p.86-112. On-line. Revista Brasileira de Energia, Campinas, v.28, n.2, p.86-112, 2022. Disponível em:<> Acesso em: 24 ago.2022.

Silva, Yuri Freitas Marcondes da. Netto, Anna Luisa Abreu. Peyerl, Drielli. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Impactos do gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil : uma análise bibliométrica e qualitativa.  Revista Brasileira de Energia, v.28, n.1, p.271-242, 2022.

Silva Filho, Saulo Vieira da. Peyerl, Drielli. Santos, Edmilson Moutinho dos. Early insights on the fracking impacts to the water-energy nexus in Brazil : is there a risk of water scarcity in the shale gas prospective areas?.  London, 2022.  Journal of Cleaner Production, v.336, n.15 Feb.2022,

Soares, Lucas Pedrosa. Dias, Helen Cristina. Garcia, Guilherme Pereira Bento. Grohmann, Carlos Henrique. Landslide Segmentation with Deep Learning : evaluating model generalization in rainfall-induced landslides in Brazil. Basel, 2022. p.e2237/1-17. Remote Sensing, v. 14, n.9,p.e2237/1-17, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em 29 mar.2023.

Souza, Danilo Ferreira de.; Guarda, Emeli Lalesca Aparecida da; Silva, Welitom Ttatom Pereira da.; Sauer, Ildo Luís;. Tatizawa, Hédio. Perspectives on the Advancement of Industry 4.0 Technologies Applied to Water Pumping Systems : Trends in Building Pumps. Basel, 2022. p.en15093319/1-17. Energies, Basel, v. 15, n. 9 ,, Mar.2022. Disponível em: Acesso em 13 jul.2022.

Souza, Danilo Ferreira de; Salotti, Francisco Antonio Marino; Sauer, Ildo Luís; Tatizawa, Hédio; . Almeida, Anibal Traça de;  Kanashiro, Arnaldo Gakiya. An assessment of the impact of Brazilian energy efficiency policies for electric motors. London, 2022. 100033/1-12. Energy Nexus, London, v.5, art. 100033, p.1-12. Mar.2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jul.2022.

Souza, Danilo Ferreira de; Salotti, Francisco Antonio Marino; Sauer, Ildo Luís; Tatizawa, Hédio; Almeida, Anibal Traça de;  Kanashiro, Arnaldo Gakiya. A Performance Evaluation of Three-Phase Induction Electric Motors between 1945 and 2020. Basel, 2022. p.en15062002/1-31. Energies, v.15, p.en15062002/1-31, Mar.2022. Disponível em: Acesso em 13 jul.2022.

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XU, GUOSEN. WANG, YI. WANG, LIZHE. SOARES, LUCAS PEDROSA. GROHMANN, CARLOS HENRIQUE. Feature-Based Constraint Deep CNN Method for Mapping Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Remote Regions With Mountainous Terrain : an application to Brazil. Piscataway, 2022. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, v. 15, p. 2644-2659, Mar. 2022.. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 jul.2022.

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