
LIVROS – 2020

COELHO, Suani Teixeira (ed). Municipal solid waste energy conversion in developing countries:  technologies, best practices, challenges and policy.  Oxford, Elsevier, 2020. 271p.

COELHO, Suani Teixeira; RECALDE,Marina Yesica; MAN, Shyamala K.;STAFFORD, William H.L.. Overview of Developing Countries. In: COELHO, Suani Teixeira. (Ed.). Municipal Solid Waste Energy Conversion in Emerging Countries: Technologies, Best Practices, Challenges and Policy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020. cap.2, p.9-61.

COELHO, Suani Teixeira; DIAZ-CHAVEZ, Rocio. Best Available Technologies (BAT) for WtE in Developing Countries. In: COELHO, Suani Teixeira. (Ed.). Municipal Solid Waste Energy Conversion in Emerging Countries: Technologies, Best Practices, Challenges and Policy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020. cap.3, p.63-105.

COELHO, Suani Teixeira; BOUILLE, Daniel Hugo; RECALDE, Marina Yesica. WtE Best Practices and Perspectives in Latin America. In: COELHO, Suani Teixeira. (Ed.). Municipal Solid Waste Energy Conversion in Emerging Countries: Technologies, Best Practices, Challenges and Policy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020. cap.4/p 107-145.

COELHO, Suani Teixeira. Existing Barriers for WtE in Developing Countries and Policy Recommendations. In: ______.  Municipal Solid Waste Energy Conversion in Emerging Countries: Technologies, Best Practices, Challenges and Policy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020. cap.7/p.219-234.

COELHO, Suani Teixeira. Concluding Remarks. In: ______.  Municipal Solid Waste Energy Conversion in Emerging Countries: Technologies, Best Practices, Challenges and Policy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020. cap.8/p.235-237.

COSTA, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros. Quarta revolução industrial e o estado brasileiro. São Paulo: Lumen Juris, 2020. 164p. ISBN  9786555103632.

MELLADO PÉREZ ,  Bárbara  Yadira;  JACOBI,  Pedro Roberto. (org.). Salud  escolar : aprendizaje social y responsabilidade público: transversalidades y diálogos. São Paulo: IEE-USP, 2020. E-book. ISBN 978-65-88109-01-4.. DOI 10.11606/9786588109014.  





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